GuildHE is a Company limited by guarantee and a registered Charity.

A Council, consisting of all members, meets four times per year and is involved in major decisions and policy approval. The Charity and Company is administered for normal business by its Board of Trustees / Directors, comprising the Executive Group, which meets six times per year. A Chief Executive Officer is appointed by the Board of Trustees.


The Trustees and Board of Trustees have devolved responsibility for day to day management of the Charity to the GuildHE office team led by the Chief Executive Officer.


The Executive Board are:

Anthony McClaran, Vice-Chancellor, St Mary’s University

Professor Karen Bryan OBE, Vice-Chancellor, York St John University

Professor Nick Braisby, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Officer, Buckinghamshire New University

Paul Kirkham, Chief Executive, ICMP

Professor Nigel Seaton, Vice-Chancellor, Abertay University

Reverend Canon Professor Peter Neil, Vice-Chancellor, Bishop Grosseteste University

Ashley Wheaton, Principal, University College of Estate Management

Professor Simone Wonnacott, Vice-Chancellor, Leeds Arts University

Abigail Appleton, Principal, Hereford College of Arts


Chief Executive Officer: Gordon McKenzie

GuildHE teamÂ